İstihbaratında içine ettiniz dercesine geçmişini unutmuş ve arkasında binlerce masumun göz yaşlarının üstüne bir aldatmaca kuranlar şimdi kalkmışlar pozisyon alıyorlar. Beyler burası köy kahvesi değil. Neyi hala hedef olarak konuşuyorsunuz. Devletin yıllarca işini boşaltıp polyana hayallerle siyasileri ip üstünde oynatıp, halkı da bunların gitti si geldi si ile rezil rüsva eden siz değilmisiniz..
Abdullah çatlının, Abdullah Öcalanla tek kale maç oynadığı bir ortamda ve ilişkide siz halka nasıl yansıttınız ve oynattınız. Birisi sağda birisi solda derinden derine büyük maşa değilmiydiler. Söz dinlemeyince de birini kamyon altında diğerini de mapusta dam altında yatıran siz değilmisiniz. İstihbarattan seçtiğiniz lider adaylarını öne sürerek Baykallar, Bahçeliler, Çatlılar, Öcalan ve Çetinleri siz yukarlara taşımadınızmı. Adam Tikkonun yönetici kadrosunda bu devletin meclis başkanı olmadımı...
Her öne sürdüğünüzün ipini hangi derindeki kovalara bağladınız. Elbette tezgah hep aynı çalışmaz. Saat bile dursa dahi günde iki kere doğruyu gösterir
Her öne sürdüğünüzün ipini hangi derindeki kovalara bağladınız. Elbette tezgah hep aynı çalışmaz. Saat bile dursa dahi günde iki kere doğruyu gösterir
Daha dün kriz üstüne kriz ile Türkiyede banka batırıp bu paraları israil bankalarına aktarılan, sözüm ona Mossadın paralarını görmezlikten gelmeyi bırak, siz tezgahlamadınızmı?. Yıllarca kene gibi bu Aziz milleti sömürdüğünüz yetmiyorcasına hala POLYANA hikaye tarzı beklentilerle bir noktayı alem yapıp kendinize sebep çıkarıyorsunuz.
Beyler birilerine mesaj vermeyi bırakın. Suçunuz açık. Bu milletin özdeğerlerini koruyup kollamak size emanet edilmişti. Siz o emanete hiyanet ettiniz, hainsiniz... Hala seneryodasınız... Size geçmiş olsun. Hurda olarak geri dönüşüme atıldınız ve yakında öldüğünüzde toprak olacak bu milletim emanetine hiyanet etmenin bedelini ödeyeceksiniz
Intelligence in you have to say to have forgotten the past and thousands of innocent people behind the tears on top of the qur'an is a scam now attempted to position they take. The brain village coffee house here. What is still the target as you speak. Of the state for many years to reduce the polyana dreams ip on politicians to play, and the people they went to have arrived have been devastated with you degilmisiniz..
Abdullah catli, Abdullah linate than one castle match played in a relationship and you people, and you have mirrored oynattin. Someone, someone on the right and on the left is deeply large tong degilmiydiler. That didn't listen of the truck under the other in the form of a dam under who you degirmi you. The intelligence that you selected from the leading candidates, citing Baykal, Bahceli, Catli, Ocalan to you, his yukarlara tasimadinizmi. The man Tikkonun administrator in the staff of the president of the assembly of that state this... Each one surdugunuzun floss, which is deep in buckets you have connected. Of course, always the same bench for Hours even work. compacted, even twice a day reveals the truth
Yesterday, on top of the crisis the crisis of a bank in Turkey with this money and put it in the bank of israel, are transferred to, supposedly, the mossad, to ignore their money drop, you tezgahlamadinizmi?. For years, like a tick this nation with her you yetmiyorcasina still POLYANA story style, the prospects for a point of booze to make yourself cause you take.
Gentlemen to give a message to somebody leave. Crime and the light. This eigenvalues of the nation, and to protect and watch over them had been entrusted to you. You misappropriate it did, you traitors... Still seneryodasiniz... You get past it. As scrap recycling thrown in, and soon you when you are going to land on it in the trust of my nation to say you'll pay the price
Hunters after reading the claims of shock human oluyor.yillar year in the way of Allah is a movement of service that we believe Fetullah Hodja community, the top management of the kozmit the brain of a team of a secret political organization, is established to the satisfaction of human and concludes that there is a kaliyor.tabandaki service of the people on this early, the upper layer of the core nothing to do with that I don't think. They are a service like you I believe in the case of normal Anatolian people. Fetullah Gulen organization of events related to this service while he early this context, you must think of looking at it. Hanefi Avci, the descriptions found striking in prison. The hunter, "all the Congregation of information. Mit, Safety, finances of the information in the hands. Police and courts of justice, the administrative staff of the community to coordinate," he said.
The voltage to evaluate how I asked the Hunter. The response was the following:
What's the name of this event, I need to identify how and who is right? To answer these questions before you what is the current situation, it is a full inspection of the need to. My past when looking at both sides, as the nearest person, I am friendly, sincere, bond of love with them, who believe in the same values, the same in world, the way of life I am the one who aspires to. This is my grown in my environment, my private life, in my known, understood and forbearing. Today, however, both of them saw heavy fines. The congregation fabricated allegations, slander me with the opening of criminal proceedings was enabled, the government is unfair to place a few times a profession, from his position exported to dozens, and promised disciplinary action. But today the situation is the following: in No other country of any ruling from the outside of their institutions birilerince and managing their own interests, for we cannot allow to use. Even their own community, formed by the elements of a ruling, even though their own institutions, officers and want to manage it itself. From the outside, from their own community, not pleased with the mixing of. Which ruling no matter have to do this struggle.
Today's reached the point will be waiting for you Hanafi was a Hunter?
For three years, and am in prison. Remote look sometimes, it can be good. Little information is the best you can, for example. Some of the developments from the start I saw. A special Court would come up here, I see. by 2012, all of the important investigations, arrest all decisions of the same court on duty that day. That day, the process is starting. The same court, 10. Heavy Penal Court. Such may be a coincidence? It was seeing. The court's judges between a difference. But the Courts are you looking at, or none at all. Always of the same opinion, all of the same opinion. Such a thing cannot be. It was seeing. Each investigation is the decision of privacy and are not removed until the end. For example, once I applied for removal. A judge, 'there is no legislation, the decision of privacy cannot be removed', she decided. Then appeal when the court, the delegation said that it was wrong to have this decision, but that the decision of that judge, Omar Thorn, 10. Criminal leader was...
This is the 'organization', this 'mechanism' how does it work? 'With the police and judiciary are not working together. Both of them out of the community to coordinate administrative staff, both outside the congregation of the orders and instructions of the manager doing business, " says Hunter. He continues: Every person working in public institutions in their own information to the community, the quote. The above are combined. They constitute a large pool. Then one case will be filed with, who will be arrested in the above decision. Before the events themselves close to leaks in the media. Later, the police are doing the work of the prosecutor. Identified in the report depositions to go through it. Fezleke are turning to the indictment. For example, you are giving a petition or inquiry begins. Front to back, and slide certain people and the authorities is the equivalent of fetching. Prosecutors complain dilekci does not take into account. The witness is made. This form of working men, we need to show. Thousands of people rested in anyone's not news.
The following example discussed today, the Council of judges and prosecutors was doing to send:
I complain, I sent to the high Council. Laugh, the answer came two years later. A judge had been referred to, and he had rejected the application. But water is tragic: the judge's file number not for me, another number. To the file is denied without even looking at the demand of the Police-prosecutor and the judge of his violations of the law of complaint to the Council of judges and prosecutors is being months, but years pass and no action is being made. Crime is certificated fixed matters even two years before the high council does not respond. In fact, from where to where the bride. Before you go to silivri I want to get the idea of Rusen Cakir, 'Besir Atalay, ministry of Interior, in the time of the Hunter's Deputy General Director is done, it was said, " he did a reminder. I asked it to the Hunter.
The minister of Eskisehir me and I wanted to get to Ankara. Department but by that time, they suggested that this would not be appropriate. In addition to the minister to be a formula wanted. Could not be found. But at that time, sent word to the congregation. Outside Ankara also come no matter where he. Minister speech recounting the community is actually related to the depth the issue was telling.The minister then told, 'structuring of the congregation, in your estimation of your very deep.' The congregation, all of the information. Mit, Safety, finances of the information in the hands. This, I said, is a great power. It is on the future of the audit, if no major problems could arise told. Basically intelligence agency. Without your knowledge, who listens to the name of listening. Who decided. The branch manager can be? Wouldn't. From the outside, someone gives instruction. Here is one of them Kozanli Omar...
The government's responsibility for every opportunity to feel the Hunter...
A good intention you have against them. That is why the 'we can do everything' entry into the air. The government's connivance, to ignore a violation of the two blind eye to good to cesaretlendil, serious illegalities went so far as to produce. The false evidence, they started to produce.
The most well-known to the topic of safety intelligence, was drawing especially:
If the big diameter. The congregation listening device of your own money to take them to the Police Intelligence, holding are to be banned in their own channels they are doing is listening. Counterfeiting operations that they are doing. Izmir (espionage), a process of infamy. Congregation of the men on the intelligence, the intelligence of their own chips, they prepared for themselves, plug, and then select one of the officers put a computer. As an intelligence officer, these guys are trained as one, as soon as you see it my home.
What to do?
You're away, whether you're at, and turning to the press, if you clear how this would work?
The work is part of that 90 percent of the danger is to see. The government has seen it on time and made a big mistake. A lot of time in Turkey, official institutions will be directed from the outside, made the grave events in their lives. The police-judiciary in this field, the most vital institutions. Intentional violation of the law and they do the people of normalization of this anomaly, kaniksama, being pushed to accept. It is as if the police-judiciary from the outside, manage, false evidence in order to keep up with arbitrary decisions are normalized. Today is the most important phase, in the event of the size of good management is perceived; it also occurred in the beginning. I wish the book I wrote, the time involved was advised, since this structure is widespread, all of the security intelligence, in Coma (anti-Smuggling and Organized Crime), almost 'full house' has become almost, almost all of the intelligence and KOM at the branches of the staff of the congregation was, increased destruction of the community designation promoted, etc), which is also in the interests of the very people to record it...
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